Actress Mandy Moore isn’t afraid to shed light on the realities of motherhood, including the less glamorous aspects.
Currently expecting her third child, the 40-year-old Dr. Death star recently sat down with PEOPLE to discuss her partnership with skin and body care brand Eucerin. Amidst her conversation about beauty routines, Moore shared some of her tactics for ensuring her two sons, Augustus “Gus,” 3, and Oscar “Ozzie,” 19 months, wear sunscreen.
“I feel fortunate that my boys aren’t overly fidgety,” the expectant mother tells PEOPLE. “They understand that I’ve always been the type of mom who’s willing to handle everything, from picking their boogers to applying moisturizer after bath time. That’s just been the norm for them.”
“So, adding another product like sunscreen when we’re out in the sun doesn’t really faze them or disrupt them. They’re like, ‘Oh, this is just part of our routine,'” Moore shares.
While her sons are generally cooperative about wearing sunscreen, Moore emphasizes the need for speed. “It’s about applying it as quickly as possible. My boys won’t stay still for long, but they also realize, ‘I just have to deal with it because this is what my mom does,'” she quips.
As Moore prepares to transition into a household with three children, she expresses contentment with her family’s current phase. “It’s incredibly enjoyable. While parents often say it gets better, I truly believe that’s true,” Moore states. “We have one child who’s already potty-trained while the other is still in diapers, but with only a 20-month age gap, they’re beginning to interact more.”
“The other day, my husband and I looked at each other and thought, ‘This is a good stage.’ However, we’re also aware that parenting involves ups and downs,” she continues. “You can’t get too comfortable because as soon as you adjust and think, ‘Oh, we’ve got this,’ a new challenge arises.”
“So, we’re trying to live in the moment and appreciate where we are now with the boys, while also acknowledging that there may be sleep regressions or unexpected hurdles ahead,” Moore reflects.
Despite the anticipation of challenges, Moore shares that her family has exciting plans for the summer. “I’m looking forward to sending one of our boys to camp and embarking on a few family trips. It feels more manageable at this stage,” she adds.
Article was originally published in People